Monday, January 28, 2008

IT's looking Grim!

So it's 10:55 in the morning and now the trains have stopped to Guangzhou, so we are literally stuck in Nanchang and they are supposed to get 4 more inches of snow tonight. Our guides are freaking out too, saying "this is very bad", thanks for the encouragement. At least we are in a hotel and have a bed and food. They are trying to get us on a bus to get to at least the next province, because it is much warmer. If we can just get out of Nanchang and then meet up with a train or something, but we have no clue. So basically if we can't get out in the next few days we don't know when we will be home. We have already tried to reschedule the US Consulate visit and there was some conflict there on their part. We are all just like, "I cannot believe this. Of all things to have worried about before the trip, getting snowed and iced in was not one of them." I can't believe now that I was actually stressing over the paperwork. In Vince's dispair he and Madison are going out to have a snowball fight. Me and Mom are just hanging out listening to our guides yell at people in Chinese over the phone across the hall. We'll keep you posted. If you don't see a post for a while hopefully we are in route somewhere that's warmer!


lee marlow said...

OK-so this was not the post I was hoping for....BUT... will say that when give you lemon make lemonade...and that's what Vince is doing with Madison...which makes him such an awesome dad! I swear I feel like I'm right there with you when reading these....especially the part with the guides yelling at people in chinese! I hope that I don't hear from you again until you are in a warmer place with no snow! (But still write even if you don't get to leave) I love you...lee

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say. I was trying to be optimistic about the train ride -- you would get to see the country, what a great experience for Madison . . . but, now, what?? I know the frustration level is out the roof by now. But, you do have Zoey, and as long as you all get home safe, that's what counts. We're all praying for you guys - I'm sure you can feel it. Just be strong and you'll be home before you know it. Love, Hope

Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda! I just said a prayer for all of you guys...I pray that you meet all of your appointments and can make it to Bham on time.


monkeyseemonkeydontdo said...

I mean......this just figures!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda and family-it is Robin Zimmerman here--I have been reading your blog since before you left and have been enjoying reading about your trip and especially Zoey. I am sorry to hear about the problems you have been having with getting out of Nanchang. The backups in Guangzhou have been in the news and I have been praying for you guys that you can get there safely and timely. It will be much warmer in Guangxi, which is where my daughter is from. Hang in there and take care. --robin z (formerly with FHSA)